So! You’ve finished your masterpiece and you’re ready to submit it to the Global Health Film Festival? You want to share an important message and create your call to action? Well, before you hit ‘submit’, stick around for a bit and up your chances with our Eight Top Tips! Who knows - you may even get where you’re going for less!

Do your research!
Firstly, look at previous films that have done well at the festival. What have they been about? What have they sought to do?
Global Health Film has always worked to share struggles around the world as well as celebrate community and positive progression - whether this is through documentaries or narrative, long form or short. So, are you trying to share a message with your submission, are you hoping to create a change? Just as importantly, is it clear?
As an example, Chris Jordan’s 2017 Albatross, winner of our 2018 Planetary Health Film Prize was described by Sam Myers, Director of the Planetary Health Alliance as ‘a film that awakens us to this moment and inspires us toward a new path forward.’ a quote that re-affirms the importance of vision and inspiration when submitting to Global Health Film. So make sure your message is clear!

Use our rules to your advantage!
The beauty of Global Health Film is we will accept and screen short films as well as features - they’ll be considered, just as long as they work to inspire change! So don’t worry if your film isn’t feature-length; if the storytelling is excellent, it’s still welcome here.
You'll see in our submission guidelines on FilmFreeway:
We invite submissions of short (25 minutes or less) and feature (over 25 minutes) length on any global health topic including maternal and neonatal health, healthy ageing, mental health, refugee and migrant health, LGBTQ rights, climate change, emerging infections, communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases.
As long as your film has a strong global health angle and a compelling, well-crafted storyline, it will be considered for the festival.

Wrap it up!
So you’ve got your message clear - but is your film finished? We know, you’re excited to share it and we are excited to watch it, but - please make sure it’s completed and whilst you’re at it - check your completion date, as films for the 2022 festival must have been completed after 30 June 2021.
If you’re not ready in time to submit this year, take your time - there is always the Global Health Film Festival 2023. Having a finished piece of work will greatly improve your chances of being accepted.

Remember your target audience!
Great! It’s wrapped, locked and exported. What now?
Who is your target audience and where is the best place to reach them? Is the Global Health Film Festival 2022 the right place to premiere your work? Watch our recent most highlights films and read some of our filmmaker and delegate reviews to get a better idea of the unique nature of the festival you’re submitting to.

Don’t miss the deadline!
The deadline for this year's Global Health Film Festival is 14 August 2022 (there’s a late deadline on 04 September 2022 too), but if you’re ready in time, you can save on the submission fee by submitting by the 10 July 2022 early-bird deadline.
This way you get the same chance of being accepted but can save yourself some money in the process. The longer you leave it to submit your work - generally the more expensive it will be. The earlier you do it, the more you’ll have to spend submitting to other festivals too.
Bonus discount! Global Health Film members get 25% off their submission fees; join today to get your discount code, along with a huge range of additional features and benefits such as free access to all our online screenings and festival programmes and much more.

What’s in it for you?
Perhaps the most significant outcome for you and your film is getting it out to those who can really influence the changes you hope to see.
That is what Global Health Film is all about - inspiring change – from individual and grassroots initiatives, to legislative and societal shifts that can all lead to bigger changes and longer term, global improvements for our planet.
Who are you up against?
What’s the competition like? Why not join one of our upcoming online screenings, such as The New Boats this Thursday 30 June? This will give you a good idea of who is engaging with Global Health Film, as well as some of the issues that are currently at the top of the global health agenda.
We are especially interested in promoting and supporting films that cover neglected, under-reported global health issues, that spark discussion and debate, and galvanise action and advocacy.
Each year different themes emerge in the festival programme, these are usually representative of things going on in the world in the past 12-24 months. For example, the 2021 Global Health Film Festival had key themes of climate change, pollution, and the effects of refugee crises and deportation. Think about what’s been on people's minds as this will help your submission.

Don’t lose hope!
Last of all, even if you’re not successful this year - don’t give up hope! You’ve created your film for a reason - even if you’re not accepted this year, it doesn’t automatically mean your film isn’t good enough. It could be for a variety of reasons - maybe the theme didn’t fit within the programme, or it just wasn’t as relevant at the moment.
If you believe in your message, then others will too. It’s just not necessarily the right time for your work to be at the Global Health Film Festival.
Let’s hope this has given you some insight and ideas on how to make your chances of getting accepted to the festival better than ever! Global Health Film is an influential and unique charity that stands to bring people together and into action, to amplify the voices of the most vulnerable people in our societies, whilst informing and educating those who are ready to listen, learn and act
We’re committed to making the world a better place, one film at a time; could YOUR film be the next in line?

Interested to find out more?
Join our FREE online information session on Tuesday 12 July at 19:00 BST!
Put your submissions questions to Global Health Film representatives and hear from a panel of filmmakers who have submitted to and presented at previous Global Health Film Festivals.
Secure your spot at our information session here
Panel details to be confirmed very shortly!

Authored by Global Health Film Blogger in Residence, Chezz van der Vos
Chezz (pictured centre in this photo at GHFF2018) is a filmmaker based in the South East of the UK, with a BA in Film from Middlesex University. She specialises in writing, production design and directing.