As Prescribed (2022)
Directed by Holly Hardman, 92 mins
Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, Ativan: they all belong to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines or 'benzos'.
News and entertainment media portray them in terms of addiction and abuse or as innocuous medications that relax nerves. As Prescribed documents a strikingly different narrative, following eye-opening stories of invisible illness and disability.
Boston-based survivor Geraldine Burns leads a grassroots army of “good patients” that help other victims and advocate tirelessly for benzodiazepine harm awareness. However resistance is strong; Geraldine and her cohorts are opposed by powerful forces that include pharmaceutical giants and a medical culture that has denied the problem for decades.
The discussion after the screening was moderated by Dr Peter Jarrett; Peter was joined by As Prescribed director Holly Hardman, protagonist Geraldine Burns, and Dr Anne Guy, APPG Prescribed Drug Dependance
Highlights from the discussion are below.
Global Health Film members can access the full 43-minute discussion and our As Prescribed resource pack of additional reading in the members' area of the website.